
 主頁 > 客服中心 > 物流時效 >















Hom???發(fā)布時間:2022-09-08 17:36:20

單號:LT0**2***0*NL 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (20 天)
國家:荷蘭 -> 瑞士
2022-08-30 13:57 Lausen, Delivered via pigeon-hole
2022-08-30 07:23 Lausen, Arrival at delivery post office
2022-08-29 15:53 CH-8010 Zürich 1, Handover to domestic sorting
2022-08-29 15:48 CH-8010 Zürich 1, Released by customs
2022-08-29 10:40 CH-8010 Zürich 1, Handed to customs
2022-08-29 10:39 CH-8010 Zürich 1, Arrival at border point in the destination country
2022-08-26 14:29 NL, NLHAGB, The consignment has left the border point
2022-08-26 11:52 NL, NLHAGA, Mailed
2022-08-18 07:22 NL, NLAMSE, Mailed
2022-08-30 13:57 The item has been delivered successfully
2022-08-30 07:23 The item is at the local sorting centre
2022-08-29 15:53 The item is on transport to the local sorting centre
2022-08-29 15:48 Item released by customs
2022-08-29 10:40 The item is at customs
2022-08-29 10:39 The item has been processed in the country of destination
2022-08-29 10:06 The item has arrived in the country of destination
2022-08-26 14:30 The item is at the PostNL sorting center
2022-08-26 14:30 The item is processed at the PostNL sorting center
2022-08-26 10:12 The item is being processed
2022-08-24 12:05 Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
2022-08-23 16:15 The shipment is handed over in bulk, final acceptance of goods to be confirmed
2022-08-22 05:02 The item has arrived in the transit airport
2022-08-18 07:25 The item is ready for shipment
2022-08-18 07:22 The item is pre-advised to PostNL
2022-08-11 00:12 The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號:LT*********NL 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (22 天)
國家:荷蘭 -> 加拿大
2022-09-02 10:47 BELLEVILLE,ON, Delivered
2022-09-02 08:51 BELLEVILLE,ON, Item out for delivery
2022-09-02 07:59 BELLEVILLE,ON, Item processed
2022-09-01 16:08 BELLEVILLE,ON, Item processed
2022-08-31 20:02 CA, MONTREAL,QC, Item in transit
2022-08-31 17:02 CA, MONTREAL,QC, Item processed
2022-08-31 11:05 CA, MONTREAL,QC, Item has arrived in Canada and will be presented for review
2022-08-26 16:49 NLHAGB,Netherlands, International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada
2022-08-26 11:53 NLHAGA,Netherlands, International item mailed in originating country
2022-08-18 07:22 NLAMSE,Netherlands, International item mailed in originating country
2022-09-02 10:47 The item has been delivered successfully
2022-09-02 08:51 The item is out for delivery
2022-09-02 07:59 The item is at the local sorting centre
2022-09-01 16:08 The item has arrived at the domestic sorting centre
2022-08-31 11:05 The item is at customs
2022-08-31 11:05 The item has been processed in the country of destination
2022-08-31 11:04 The consignment has arrived in the country of destination
2022-08-31 11:04 The item has arrived in the country of destination
2022-08-27 09:51 The item is on transport to the country of destination
2022-08-26 16:49 The item is at the PostNL sorting center
2022-08-26 16:49 The item is processed at the PostNL sorting center
2022-08-26 10:12 The item is being processed
2022-08-24 12:05 Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
2022-08-23 16:15 The shipment is handed over in bulk, final acceptance of goods to be confirmed
2022-08-22 05:02 The item has arrived in the transit airport
2022-08-18 07:25 The item is ready for shipment
2022-08-18 07:22 The item is pre-advised to PostNL
2022-08-12 00:08 The Item is at the shippers warehouse


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